Thursday, July 18, 2013

Living on Tulsa Time.....for GOOD

"Spring" in Minnesota

Nothing like great Watermelon on a 100 degree + day

Hey everyone!! So I took a long break from blogging- I was having too much fun in Minnesota with our friends, too busy finishing the details of the house, and too stressed about the BIG move to Oklahoma!! So here's a quick update of the past 4 months!!

We miss our Minnesota friends everyday! I miss our lazy days of good food, good fellowship and sweet baby kisses!! I miss our outings, our girls night outs & random drop in's to say hello! Minnesota friends- you are truly one of a kind!! Please come visit us soon! :) Lots of sunshine and hot weather here!

D, B & E at the MN zoo
Ella & her boyfriend on a supervised date! 

LOVE these sweet faces!!! 

BFF's for life! 

  Ella love's being in Oklahoma near family!! She love's her Nana, her Aunt KK, her Gramms & her Papa! And all the Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins!! They spoil her rotten!! She love's her new house & is constantly getting "lost" or running around screaming like a wild child! She love's all of the different rooms, her new bedroom and mommy & daddy's new "big" king bed!! We have to go to the pool/splash pad in our neighborhood daily because it is Ella's favorite place!She is a water baby like her daddy! She loves playing with all of the big kids in the neighborhood and adores our neighbors dog! We give Maggie a cookie every time we head outside!

No pictures please! 

I LOVE the splash pad!! 


Seriously tuckered out after playing with the big kids next door! 

First ice cream truck experience

Ahhh- I love this little stinker!! 

Learning to read X-Rays like daddy :) 

I love my Cozy-Coupe

Snack break @ the pool

Here's your cookie Maggie

    Jon started his new job right away and all seems to be going well!! He really likes the group he's working with and seems to be fitting in very well! He's looking forward to vacation in 2 he can work on the house :)  He too loves the new house, maybe just not all of the work that comes with it! Ha! We planned our first vacation without Ella in August to celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday in Las Vegas... needless to say he is VERY excited! He misses his co-fellows in Minnesota (probably because they wore Captain America sweatshirts to work daily) but plans to meet up with them at conferences in the future!

Captain America sweatshirts = normal work attire right?

   I'm doing really well too! The move wasn't too stressful & everything went pretty smoothly! I absolutely love our new house and it's starting to feel more and more like home everyday! I still have a lot of unpacking, organizing, decorating and furniture to buy.... but it's a process right?!  Ella is going to be very sad when I finally get living room is a huge toy zone at the moment! She's in heaven!! We DO have our spare bedroom up and running..... so please visit soon!! The transition back to living in Oklahoma is going well too- it has welcomed us with open arms & Mexican food! 


Wine Cross- Butler's Pantry

Laundry Room

Ladies Desk

Master Bathroom

Kitchen again :) It's my favorite place!! 

My little mini-me

The Kirkland's :) 

   I promise to try to blog more frequently and put up pictures of the rooms with furniture in them :) All is well with the Kirklands & our Krazy life!  Please visit us soon :)